January 12, 2009

Ski trip to Mont Jura - Crozet

Well actually, I'll try to make a long story short;

We (me and Marthe) have no car, we don't know anyone with a car available to take us, the bus from the airport is € 55 (NOK 500) per head (round-trip), and we did not manage to assign for the CERN ski club. So we desided to rent a car, which would be only CHF 70 (NOK 450), then divided by 2, plus gas, for a total of 24 hours.

When arriving to the airport, they have no car for us, we are not on their list, and it was never reported that we were coming to get a car, etc. So we have to turn back, with the bus... And, as I have now learned the hard way, the bus routes to St. Genis is very limited. On saturdays its only every 1h 20min. Yes, during ~3 hours there will only be 2 buses.

So we can wait in the freezing cold for 1 hour for the bus or start walking, and, in both cases miss the dinner that's being prepared back in my new flat, or... we hitchhike.Both me and Marthe is sceptical about this as we have never done it before, and, well..., you never know. But since the bus transport here is the way it is, it's a rather common thing to do.

The 5th car picks us up, a french speaking guy, hardly knows a word english. Although we do manage to communicate that we would like to go skiing the day after, and he suggests the Crozet, because it's only 5 km away from where I now live.

So, safely back in my apartment, we start to discuss what to do. At the end of the great dinner my flatmates have prepeared, we end up talking to Cesar (spelt correctly?) who 1) would like to go skiing (or snowboarding in his case) and 2) have a car!

We got a lovely weather; + 7 degrees (C), no wind and sun... =D

Below are some pictures from the first ski trip this year:
The view of the Alps from Crozet (above the constant level of skyes covering Genève).

All the participants, f.l. Marthe, 3 portugese guys and Cesar (also potugese).

The 'not-so-easy-to-recognize' Anita. (Takk til mamma og pappa, lua er kjempegod!)


  1. hahaha, for ei festlige lua;) Såg jo riktig trivelig ut i leiligheten då! Godt å ha någe som kan følas litt hjemma! Enjoy, kram*

  2. Takk. Det e veldig kjekke leilighet!

  3. Så utrolig bra at dåke fant ein med bil da :-D Såg ut som dåke hadde supre forhold. Er meget misunnelig ja!! stor klem fra storesøs
    (som ikke automatisk skjønte koss dette skulle legges inn ja...blonde, ja...)
