January 09, 2009

Finding a place to live -- part 2

Then I hear that a friend of my office mate migth have an available room in the apartment he lives in. However, this is on the French side (not exactly what I was hoping for), but why not, I could always have a look. At least this is in a shared apartment with other students.

So yesterday evening, going straigth from work to a salsa clas (with a level way above my head) and then home, hungry enough to eat a horse, taking a quick shower before arriving at this appartment for a dinner (thank you all for the food and wine) and to have a look around, I realize I must have found the gold pot at the end of the rainbow!

For you to really understand this, let me take you through a journey;

The room I live in for the moment, I am only borrowing from the italian Sandro, who is travelling for a longer while. He'll be back next week, which is why I have to find something before then, or else it's off to the hostel for me.

As sick and tired as I am from all the back and forth with the apartment search, I am getting more or less ready for staying where I am (there will be a girl leaving this place at the end of february). Here are some photos from this place, please note: in building no. 7.

The living room

The kitchen

A piece of worn out floor

One of the bathrooms

The room I'm borrowing (sub-sub-letting)

The rest of my borrowed room and me

So the apatment I had a look at last night is in building 12, i.e. in the same street. In the picture below you can only just see number 7 to the front right and number 12 to the back left. From the outside they look entirely the same.
- However, they are everything else than alike. The numbers of rooms and placement of kitchen and livingroom is quite similar but the rest is not even comparable!

Stay tuned for part 3; and you'll understand the rainbow comment about the appartment in number 12, which I just love already (I'll be moving in tomorrow!)

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